Friday, December 14, 2012

What smoke? That's vapor!

I have been known to follow a fad once in a while. So yeah, back in the day, I did own a tamagochi. It died a few times, but good thing virtual pets need not a lot of high maintenance and you can just reset them.

Not everyone will agree, but in my opinion the Pinoys' latest fad is the e-cigaretter or e-cig. They are everywhere, much like Zagu when it started.

Yesterday, I bought myself one to see what's what. I have to say it ain't so bad. I have been hearing that it's not as satisfying as the real thing. Since I ain't really that heavy a smoker, the e-cig worked for me. I see myself sticking to it.

Well here is a step to good health! Less nicotine, more fun!

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